The email address associated with your Jagex account is the one you use to log in and the one we use to send account-related emails. If you've lost access to your email, we suggest contacting your email service provider to try to regain access.
If you can't recall the email address linked to your Jagex account, you will need to take steps to remember this yourself. When trying to determine the login e-mail, we would recommend the following:
- Checking your e-mail accounts for verification code e-mails.
- Trying to log in using any e-mails you've previously used for any RuneScape characters.
- Remember that the Jagex account login e-mail may not necessarily be the same as the legacy login e-mail you used prior to upgrading.
In some situations, you may be receiving verification e-mails to an account, but this e-mail isn't working when you try to sign in. In these cases, consider the following:
- You may have used "plus addressing" when setting up your Jagex account - for example Google considers "" to be the same as "".
- You may have placed full stops in the login name - for example Google considers "" to be the same as "".
- You may have used a different domain for the same provider - for example, Google considers "" to be the same as ""
For the sake of optimal account security, we're unable to modify your Jagex account email or disclose it to you.